Close Margin Position

Allows users to close a borrow position with collateral.


Supports single-pool swaps and multi-hop swaps. In this case, tokenIn and tokenOut are provided together with the fee parameter to identify the swap pool.

In case of a multi-hop swaps, the swap-path is provided as encoded bytes.


Function: trimMarginPositionExactIn

This function allows the user to decrease their margin position by using collateral (tokenIn) to repay a portion of their borrowed tokens (tokenOut). The user provides the amount of collateral to be used as input.


params (MarginSwapParamsExactIn memory): A struct containing parameters for decreasing the margin position.

  • tokenIn (address): The address of the collateral token.

  • tokenOut (address): The address of the borrowed token.

  • fee (uint24): The Uniswap pool fee.

  • amountIn (uint256): The amount of collateral tokens to use.

  • interestRateMode (uint256): The interest rate mode (stable or variable) for the borrowed tokens.

  • amountOutMinimum (uint256): The minimum amount of borrowed tokens to be repaid.

Returns: uint256: The amount of borrowed tokens repaid.

Function: trimMarginPositionExactOut

This function allows the user to decrease their margin position by using collateral (tokenIn) to repay a portion of their borrowed tokens (tokenOut). The user provides the amount of borrowed tokens to be repaid as input.


params (MarginSwapParamsExactOut memory): A struct containing parameters for decreasing the margin position.

  • tokenIn (address): The address of the collateral token.

  • tokenOut (address): The address of the borrowed token.

  • fee (uint24): The Uniswap pool fee.

  • amountOut (uint256): The amount of borrowed tokens to be repaid.

  • interestRateMode (uint256): The interest rate mode (stable or variable) for the borrowed tokens.

  • amountInMaximum (uint256): The maximum amount of collateral tokens allowed to be used.

Returns: uint256: The amount of collateral tokens used for the swap.

Function: trimMarginPositionExactInMulti

This function allows the user to decrease their margin position by using collateral (tokenIn) to repay a portion of their borrowed tokens (tokenOut) using a multi-pool path. The user provides the amount of collateral to be used as input.


params (MarginSwapParamsMultiExactIn memory): A struct containing parameters for decreasing the margin position.

  • path (bytes): A byte-encoded representation of the tokenIn, tokenOut, and fee of each pool to be used in the trade.

  • amountIn (uint256): The amount of collateral tokens to use.

  • interestRateMode (uint256): The interest rate mode (stable or variable) for the borrowed tokens.

  • amountOutMinimum (uint256): The minimum amount of borrowed tokens to be repaid.

Returns: uint256: The amount of borrowed tokens repaid.

Function: trimMarginPositionExactOutMulti

This function allows the user to decrease their margin position by using collateral (tokenIn) to repay a portion of their borrowed tokens (tokenOut) using a multi-pool path. The user provides the amount of borrowed tokens to be repaid as input.


params (MarginSwapParamsMultiExactOut memory): A struct containing parameters for decreasing the margin position.

  • path (bytes): A byte-encoded representation of the tokenIn, tokenOut, and fee of each pool to be used in the trade.

  • amountOut (uint256): The amount of borrowed tokens to be repaid.

  • interestRateMode (uint256): The interest rate mode (stable or variable) for the borrowed tokens.

  • amountInMaximum (uint256): The maximum amount of collateral tokens allowed to be used.

Returns: uint256: The amount of collateral tokens used for the swap.

Functions to repay the full loan or withdraw the full position

The following functions allow a dust-free repayment of loans or withdrawal from a collateral position.

Function: trimMarginPositionAllIn

This function allows the user to decrease their margin position by using all available collateral (tokenIn) to repay a portion of their borrowed tokens (tokenOut).


params (MarginSwapParamsAllIn calldata): A struct containing parameters for decreasing the margin position.

  • tokenIn (address): The address of the collateral token.

  • tokenOut (address): The address of the borrowed token.

  • fee (uint24): The Uniswap pool fee.

  • interestRateMode (uint256): The interest rate mode (stable or variable) for the borrowed tokens.

  • amountOutMinimum (uint256): The minimum amount of borrowed tokens to be repaid.

Returns: uint256: The amount of borrowed tokens repaid.

Function: trimMarginPositionAllOut

This function allows the user to decrease their margin position by using collateral (tokenIn) to repay all of their borrowed tokens (tokenOut).


params (MarginSwapParamsAllOut calldata): A struct containing parameters for decreasing the margin position.

  • tokenIn (address): The address of the collateral token.

  • tokenOut (address): The address of the borrowed token.

  • fee (uint24): The Uniswap pool fee.

  • interestRateMode (uint256): The interest rate mode (stable or variable) for the borrowed tokens.

  • amountInMaximum (uint256): The maximum amount of collateral tokens allowed to be used.

Returns: uint256: The amount of collateral tokens used for the swap.

Function: trimMarginPositionAllInMulti

This function allows the user to decrease their margin position by using all available collateral (tokenIn) to repay a portion of their borrowed tokens (tokenOut) using a multi-pool path.


params (AllInputMultiParamsBase calldata): A struct containing parameters for decreasing the margin position.

  • path (bytes): A byte-encoded representation of the tokenIn, tokenOut, and fee of each pool to be used in the trade.

  • interestRateMode (uint256): The interest rate mode (stable or variable) for the borrowed tokens.

  • amountOutMinimum (uint256): The minimum amount of borrowed tokens to be repaid.

Returns: uint256: The amount of borrowed tokens repaid.

Function: trimMarginPositionAllOutMulti

This function allows the user to decrease their margin position by using collateral (tokenIn) to repay all of their borrowed tokens (tokenOut) using a multi-pool path.


params (AllOutputMultiParamsBase calldata): A struct containing parameters for decreasing the margin position.

  • path (bytes): A byte-encoded representation of the tokenIn, tokenOut, and fee of each pool to be used in the trade.

  • interestRateMode (uint256): The interest rate mode (stable or variable) for the borrowed tokens.

  • amountInMaximum (uint256): The maximum amount of collateral tokens allowed to be used.

Returns: uint256: The amount of collateral tokens used for the swap.

Last updated